Google-groups – How to Re-Invite Someone to a Google Group


Is there a way to re-invite someone to a Google Group? As the owner of the group, I used the invitation feature to send an invite to a friend of mine. He claims he never received the email (checked his spam folder, etc.). So I'd like to re-send it. However, Google Groups tells me that "no invitations were sent" because that email address was already invited.

I also tried to add that email address directly, but that feature seems to be entirely broken. I can enter the information, but there's no button on the page to actually submit the form and add the user.

Does anybody have any idea how I can get around this?

Best Answer

It appears that they've tweaked the interface again and this should now be possible.

  1. Go to the "Manage" section
  2. Under "Members" (left-side menu) should be an option for "Outstanding invites". Click that.
  3. Now you should have a list of people who have been sent an invitation but who have not joined. Check the box next to all of the people you want to re-invite.
  4. Click the "Resend Invitation" button which now appears at the top.