Google-groups – Mirroring a mailing list in Google Groups


How can I mirror a mailing list powered by Mailman in Google Groups if I am not the moderator of this mailing list? Instead of reading it by mail I would like to read it in the Google Groups interface. The mailing list is currently open to read but only subscribers can post to it, which should map nicely to the "Public" setting of Google Groups.

I can set up a group, but how do I get the new messages from the mailing list in the Google Groups list? Is there a way to import the archives too?

Edit: I was able to set up a group via the setting Sathya told me about, but the Reply-To header is now set to both and, while it should only be the latter. I have the following options for Replies to messages:

  • Replies are sent to the whole group.
  • Replies are sent to the author of the message.
  • Replies are sent to the owners of the group.
  • Users decide where their replies are sent.

I don't think any of these will do what I want. Google should just send the mail to and don't set the Reply-To header. Where can I change that?

Best Answer

Create a group, from Group Settings -> Advanced - ensure This group is hosted on another mailing list host is checked and provide the email address of the mailing list.