Google Hangouts – How to Dial a Phone Number or Allow Dial-In


I scheduled a Google Hangout from Google Calendar (under my personal Gmail account). I'd like to have a way for participants to join it by phone only – either them dialing in or me dialing out to them.

How can I do this? I tried installing the UberConference Google Hangouts app, but when I open it, I just see a panel saying that it is loading (have not been able to get it to load).

hangouts screenshot

I saw this support article, but I do not see a "call tab" as described.

Mac OS 10.12.6 , Chrome Version 67.0.3396.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Best Answer

As @ale suggested, clicking the "add person" icon brings up this dialog

add person dialog

and from there, clicking the phone keypad icon (to the right of the "add names or email addresses" field) brings up another dialog from which you can dial a phone number.

call phone dialog