Google Hangouts – Prevent Access on School-Issued Chromebooks


My twelve-year-old has OCD. His school recently issued a Chromebook to each student in secondary school. My son compulsively goes to Hangouts and his grades are suffering. I am working on getting the school to block Hangouts, but I have not been successful yet. While I'm working on that, I'd like to set up some sort of redirect, with perhaps a script, so that when he tries to visit Hangouts on the Chromebook while he's at school, the browser will automatically go to a different address (such as Google Classroom).

How can I do this?

(There's no point in trying to guide me through killing his google+ account. I've tried that. It refuses to die.)

Best Answer

The school district uses GoGuardian for their filtering. They refused to set up a special set of rules for a subset of students. I ended up putting a second layer of filtering on top of the district's filtering, with Qustodio. It wasn't easy, and it wasn't a perfect solution (the current system is over-filtering slightly), but the child is now able to get his schoolwork done.

For anyone looking to do something like this for their child: It can't be done without minimal cooperation from the school's IT people. (It took me from September to May, and a civil rights complaint, to achieve this.)