Google-hangouts – In the new Google Hangouts, is there any way to change the emoticon set


The new Google Hangouts replaced the normal Google Chat ASCII-ish emoticons with somewhat disturbed looking gumdrops. Is there any way to change this emoticon set, or even put it back to how it was before? Note that I just want to change the way I see it, I'm not trying to give myself new emoticons to use in chat.

Best Answer

In Firefox, add the following rules to your userContent.css

@-moz-document domain( {
    .Pt span { opacity: 1 !important; width: auto !important; }
    .Pt div { display: none !important; }

This should remove the image and display the Unicode equivalent instead. What you actually see is dependent on your font support.

If you want to replace them with a different set of images (and have a lot of patience), you can add the following rules instead, for each one you want to change.

@-moz-document domain( {
    .e1f60a { background: url('<path to replacement>') !important; } /* :) */

The class for each one can be found by inspecting the DOM of the selection menu.

The old static sprite sheets are currently here: set 1 set 2 & 3 set 4 no longer available. Unfortunately the animated ones were done with JavaScript rather than a GIF, so can't be replicated easily.