Google Maps – Cleaned Wikipedia Content Used on Google Maps – Dump Availability

copyrightgoogle mapswikipedia

On Google, there are pages such as the following which provide a summary of the place in question taken from Wikipedia:

I am not a lawyer, but I assume that as Google has obviously gone to the trouble of extracting/cleaning the data from the dump files provided by Wikipedia, this constitutes a derived work, which I think means that Google must provide the cleaned data for download.

Is providing the content online (at the link above) enough to meet that requirement, or is there a dump file of the cleaned data available somewhere?

I only need the first paragraph or two for certain Wikipedia pages, and downloading a cleaned dump from Google would save me a lot of time and trouble 🙂

Best Answer

It's a quote, and they link to the original source. I don't think they need to provide an additional download, as you can find the exact same text on wikipedia. It's not edited.