Google Maps – Creating Custom Maps with Google Map Maker

google maps

I want to make a custom Google Map to show someone points of interest in an area. Ideally, I’d like to drop pins on the points of interest and then add notes and images (which I’ve taken) to these pins.

Is this possible with Google Maps / Google Map Maker? I’m aware you can make a map, but these seem to be for public consumption. Ideally, I’d like it to be private—unlisted / view only with the link. Also, I couldn’t see a way to annotate / add images to these maps.

Best Answer

With the new Google Maps Engine you can do everything you want.

There is a tutorial that takes you through the basics of setting up your own map, but it does miss mentioning that in the information field of a pin you can add <img> tags.

You will still have to host those images somewhere else.

All maps are private by default, you have to share them in the same way as you do on Google Drive.