Google-maps – Display one second latitude and longitude grid lines on Google Maps

google maps

Is there a way to display one second latitude and longitude grid lines on Google Maps?

Best Answer

There is a graticule script at

A demo and possible the latest graticule v3 script version are at Depending on your zoom level the latitude and longitude grid lines are drawn with more or less detail.

There is another version of the graticule script at No idea what is fixed there.

This is not exactly what you want, because the seconds are still displayed in decimal values. It is a matter of extending the graticule script _.prototype.decToLonSex and _.prototype.decToLatSex functions to also calculate the seconds in their sexagesimal value and to change var decmins and var sexmins to match exactly one second (=1÷60≅0.0166667).

I did adapt the graticule script to display the grid at 0.0005 degrees precision in most detailed view. Your request for a 1 second grid is almost equivalent to a grid at 0.000277778 degrees, which comes close. For inspiration have at look at this more detailed grid demo at