Google-maps – Google Maps: How to start a route that I’ve saved to My Maps

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I've started using Google's My Maps feature for planning both an upcoming trip to California and some semi-regular motorcycling routes.

I've figured out how to create maps and share them with people, but I'm having difficulties with the directions functionality. Once I've saved a route I can't seem to do anything with it; I can view the route on a map but that's it. This is okay I guess for walking but it's obviously pretty useless for driving or transit.

How do I start the route? As in: get directions, traffic, time estimates, navigation etc? At the moment I'm looking at the saved route on the map and just copying the source and destination locations into a new directions page on Maps, but this obviously doesn't give you the actual same route that you customised on My Maps.

Best Answer

After much testing I found the following to work:

Using linking or copying, get the PC created route to a mobile device (e.g. via text).

When you open it, you will see what the OP describes: the route with a Preview but no "Start" driving feature.

Now, in order to get a "Start" button and commence navigation:

  • Click on the vertical ellipsis in Maps with your route displayed,
  • click on Edit Stops,
  • click on Add Stop,
  • select "Your Location",
  • move your location new stop to the top,
  • and press "Done"

The Start button should now appear and you can navigate.

It is not what one would call obvious.