Google Maps – Latitude and Longitude Search Without Markers

google mapssearch

When I search a latitude and longitude in Google Maps like:,-49.33136

It always return me the locations nearby with those ["A", "B", … ] pins:

enter image description here

Is there any way of getting only the green pointer created by the q parameter and hide everything else (using some other URL parameter, perhaps) ?

Best Answer

Put loc: in front of the coordinate, like this -,-49.33136

Here's what you get -

enter image description here

When you don't use loc:, Google shows the nearest possible place for the convenience of the user as it's a random point. But when you're using loc: Google knows that you are looking for just the location of the point, nothing else.


If you want to show a info bubble on that certain coordinate, you can also do it this way -,-49.33136&iwloc=A

Here it'll point to that certain location with a red marker A and you can set information about it inside a info window + with iwloc, you can say that it needs to show the info to the red bubble marked A. Output -

enter image description here