Google Maps – Fix Blank Screen Issue When Logged in on Chrome

google mapsgoogle-chrome

I've been having this annoying problem for quite a few months now.

If I am using Google Chrome (tested on a Mac and on Arch Linux), and I am also logged into my Google Account, if I go to , the map loads, but after a few milliseconds, just before the webapp finishes rendering, the map goes blank. I've done a screencast to explain:

Google Maps bug

  • This does not happen if I am not logged into my Google Account.
  • This also doesn't happen on Firefox.
  • I have not tested on Windows, but I'm pretty sure it would be the same.
  • I've also tried logging in while on an incognito session, and the problem reappears.
  • I've tried disabling all extensions and clearing the cache. Same result.
  • This does not happen if I log into two other different Google Accounts.

Best Answer

In Chrome click on ‘Menu’ (3 Dots) menu visible in the upper right corner of your computer screen.

Next, select ‘Settings’ from the list of the options displayed there.

Thereafter scroll down to the bottom and choose ‘Advanced’.

When directed to a new page, look for an option that reads ‘Content Settings’. There, click on ‘Cookies’ and on the next page click “See all cookies and site data.”

Here, in the empty search bar type and hit ‘Enter’ key.

The browser will list dozens of cookies specific to your browser and your Google account. The one that’s reported to be causing the issue is labeled “gsScrollPos.” but there are many of these so, you cannot pinpoint the specific cookie which is causing the trouble. Therefore, you’ll need to delete them all. Do this, by clicking the “X” icon on the left side of the settings column. Do this for all cookies with the gsScrollPos label.

When finished, launch Google Maps service again. It should now open normally.

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