Google-maps – How to categorize a collection of selected places on Google Maps

google maps

On Google Maps I can save and/or label a specific place. When I do that for many specific places I would like to categorize them, so that I can show the places of a specific category, both as a list and as shown on the maps.

For example, can I categorize the places by restaurants, grocery stores, laundromats, libraries, parks, so that I can show the places belonging to the category of grocery stores on the maps and/or as a list?

I don't find that labeling each place with some category allows me to select places of a category, or am I missing something?

Note that I am not talking about the default categorization of places on Google Maps but about self-categorization of self-selected places using Google Maps.

Best Answer

If I understand your question correctly, you're looking to create a custom map and have the ability to categorize a set of locations to show each category selectively.

While building a custom map to show AWS, Azure & Google Cloud datacenters, I found the following articles useful -