Google Maps – How to Change Default Location When ‘Location’ Preference Is Not Available

google mapslocation

This has already been asked: How do I set a default Google Maps location?

But I am in an unusual situation, same as Neets as in this comment. Every time I log into Google Maps (the new one, but I believe it was the same for the old one as well), it defaults to a view of the US. It was suggested in the previous post to update this via Search Settings, but there is no Location option there for me, as others have reported. Please see the following screenshot. I am signed into my personal Google account when I see this view:

Location preference not available in Search Settings for Google Maps

Can anyone solve this, or is it a glitch?

Best Answer

What URL are you using to access Google Maps?

The default location would seem to be dependent on the Google Maps URL, or rather the "Top Level Domain" (TLD).

For example,

  • If I go to I see the US.
  • If I go to I see the UK.
  • If I go to, I see Indonesia.
  • - Australia, etc.

Incidentally, if I visit .com (from the UK) I also don't see the "Location" setting. I only see this when I visit one of the ccTLDs (ie.,, etc.).