Google-maps – How to get a link to a specified location in a given Google Map

google maps

I'm trying to use the new Google Map engine. I've created a new map where I have several markers. Now I would like to have a permalink to one of this markers.

By clicking on that link the user should be redirected to that map and to that specific marker on the map. How do I achieve this?

Best Answer

In the new Google Map, if you click a location on the map, it loads the location below the top-left search bar with the latitude and longitude as well.

screen shot after clicking point on the map

Once you click on the GPS coordinates, it loads the exact location of that point. So you can use the generated link. (Example:!q=38%C2%B0+52.648'%2C+-77%C2%B0+2.051'&data=!4m14!2m13!1m12!3m8!1m3!1d24135!2d-77.0584227!3d38.8809387!3m2!1i1205!2i746!4f13.1!4m2!3d38.8774667!4d-77.0341833)

You can do the same for your marker unless what you want is a link to the marker on that specific map. I don't think that is available as a feature at the moment.