Google Maps – How to Get Directions to Default Location

google maps

When I go to Google Maps, it shows my default location. Often I then search/find a location/address and then want to get Directions from my default location, but there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do that. When I click on directions, it wants me to type an address. If I start typing the addr of my default location, it doesn't autocomplete or even list it among the choices until I've typed most of it.

I thought "it" (Google Maps or more likely my browser) used to remember the places I'd typed in for the originating address, which enabled me to choose from previous entries in a drop down. But that seemed to disappear once Maps started doing instant search on what I'm typing in the address field.

Ideally I'd like to have a few locations (e.g. home, work) and choose them as the starting point for directions unless I wait to specifically type in an address. But I don't see anything like this.

Best Answer

In google maps click "My places" then assign "home" address. Next time you're searching for directions you can simply begin typing "home" into one of the direction fields and it will load your home address. Presumably this works with your "work" location as well.

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