Google-maps – How to search without zoom and put marker on all locations in Google Maps

google maps

I would like for Google Maps to produce me a map of all items searched for.

  1. Take current zoom level
  2. Put in search parameters
  3. Map puts marker on every result (without zooming in)

For example: Zoom out to US continental level. Search for "Walmart". Then map puts a marker/star at every Walmart in the continental US.

Zoom in to Utah. Type McDonalds. Now you have a map of every McDonalds in Utah.

Is this possible? And if yes, how?

Best Answer

That's exactly what Google Maps does:

  1. The user zooms in the area that you want to obtain search results
  2. Then you type your search criteria
  3. Click search

I zoomed to Spain, and look for all McDonald's.

enter image description here