Google Maps – How to Show or Share Only One Route

google maps

I want to share a route between two places with some people, the plan being that we meet and follow this route together.

The new Google Maps has a (normally) nice feature that by default shows you several routes so you can choose one. When I've chosen my route, how do I hide the others?

I want to choose a route and send it (ideally with a live link), without provoking confusion or unnecessary debate by sending several options. But even when I select one route and go into step-by-step directions, the alternatives are still visible.

How do I show only my chosen route?

Best Answer

Creating a custom map as per MaryC's answer is good if you want something you save permanently or embed and don't mind going through a multi-step process with a different UI to get there.

I also found a quick and easy alternative that uses only the regular Google Maps 'directions' UI.

Basically you just drag part of the path then drop it where it was:

  1. Set up directions as normal, hover over part of the path of the route you want:

enter image description here

  1. Drag, then drop it right where it was. You've now got only one route - and the URL of the page has auto-updated to point to this one route (you can also adjust the route if you want).

enter image description here