Google Maps Directions – How to Link to Directions with Prefilled Destination

google maps

I want a link on my site which visitors can use to get directions to my location. Is it possible to create a link to a Google Maps directions page, where one end of the directions (the destination) is pre-filled?

Best Answer

Set the origin (Place A) as "current location" and the destination (Place B) as your desired address. Then save that link.

For example:

A current location
B Sydney Opera House, Sydney Opera House, Bennelong Point, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

The URL will look something like,151.2096187/Sydney+Opera+House,+Sydney+Opera+House,+Bennelong+Point,+Sydney+NSW+2000,+Australia/@-33.8592754,151.2096187,9z (there may be more characters, but it will start similarly).

Then change the URL to something else like this:,+Sydney+Opera+House,+Bennelong+Point,+Sydney+NSW+2000,+Australia/

So you'll replace the first set of numbers seen (longitude and latitude) with the string current+location and copy all from https to just before @.

Whenever someone clicks on that link it will start from where they are located, no matter where that is, and show directions to your designated location.