Google Maps – Search by Street Number

google maps

I have several addresses I have to mark on Google Maps with a pointer.

The problem is that when I search for an address in the form of "Street Name" + "Street Number" the pointer just goes to the beginning of the street.

I'm pretty sure searching by street number (in my country) is possible, here is an example that works well:

I would like to know if there is any way to add that functionality the search within since I have to be logged in to my maps account to add a site to the map.

Best Answer

It seems that website stores street number in it's own database along with the coordinates. And it's using it's own search engine, not Google's. So if your search hit a street number and street, it just fetches the coordinate and points it on the map. In google maps, you can only search for street number if it's in the place address.