Google Maps – Transfer Route from Desktop to Phone

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I use Google Maps on my phone for transit instructions and to find my way around. The problem is it's hard to work with a small screen and typing in complex addresses is a pain. I noticed sometimes when I use Google Maps on my desktop the route sort of syncs with the Google Maps on my phone. For example on my desktop if I search 1234 Fake Street Vancouver if I start typing in 1234 on my phone the list sometimes auto populates. When does this happen? Is there a better way of doing this? I noticed in Google Maps when used on my desktop has the option to "Send" to Email, Car and GPS. Is there an option to send it to my phone, since my phone does have a GPS? google maps send link

Best Answer

This is now baked in to the latest version of Google Maps. Just look up an address, then click the "send to device" link and choose your Android device. Then open the notification on your phone.

screen shot

This has been around for a little while for iOS.

(via Lifehacker)