Google-photos – Create albums from folders / remove duplicates


I am using Google Photos to backup my old photos. Using the mac desktop uploader.
I have an external hard drive with folders in the following format:

+- 2005
  +---Trip to france
  +---Bachelor party
+- 2006
  +---Work travel to Japan

I want google photos to automatically create the albums according to folder names. Is that possible? How?

Also I got a bunch of duplicates on google photos – is there any tool to clean those?

I've found this question:
Create albums on Google Photos from folders of photos on local disk
– but the answers talk about Picasa which has been retired so its no longer relevant or possible.

Best Answer

I want google photos to automatically create the albums according to folder names. Is that possible? How?

Albums can't include other albums, no it's not possible to replicate a hierarchical folder structure as albums.

One alternative is to use Google Drive for PC/Mac as it will sync the folder structure.

Another alternative is to upload the folders to Google Drive through the by uploading your folders to My Drive or to a previously created folder.