Google Photos – How to Delete All Content


I've got 40GB of photos from my old Picasa Web Albums service and now I've just cancelled my storage plan.

Is there any way to remove all the photos and albums?

I searched a lot and I have no clue how to do it, I'm not going to delete near 400 albums individually, and obviously, not paying again for the storage plan.

I remember old days when google-cli was able to do this kind of stuff, but sadly it seems abandoned.

Best Answer

  1. In a browser go to
  2. Select Photos from the left side menu
  3. Hover over your first photo and then click the checkmark that appears to select it
  4. Grab the scroll bar on the right and go all the way down to your last photo
  5. Holding down the Shift key select the last photo in the bottom right
  6. Click the Trashcan icon

I tested all of the steps except the last one as I don't actually want to delete all my photos. :)

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