Export Photos and Albums from Google Photos – How to


Do you know of a way to download photos and videos back from the new http://photos.google.com?

I was expecting at least some unofficial tools like Flickr downloader, but I couldn't find any.

I'm wary of using the service before I find out how to get data back in case of problems.

Best Answer

Google Photos is one of the products included in Google Takeout. You can even select exactly which albums you want to download. It will take some time, but once the archive is ready you'll receive an email with a (private) link for you to download your data.

Albums will get their own folders within the archive. Photos not in albums appear to get put in folders based on date. Also, if the archive is too large for a single zip file, it will be broken up in to smaller chunks. (For me, each file was 2GB.)