Google-photos – How to rotate multiple photos at once using Google Photos


Today I've uploaded a bunch of photos to Google Photos service, but I've just noticed that half of them are rotated wrong.

I found this solution, but for lots of photos it's too slow and boring.

  1. Click one image
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit
  3. Wait for the edit interface to load
  4. Click the crop icon (lolwut?!)
  5. Wait for the crop interface to load
  6. Click the rotate button once or thrice, depending on the desired orientation
  7. Click the tick
  8. Click save
  9. Wait for a while while stuff happens
  10. Click the back arrow
  11. Welcome back to the top of your photos. Now spend a few minutes searching for the next rotated photo.

It would be better to rotate the photos in Windows, but I don't want to upload them again.

Is there a way how can I rotate more than one photo at once?

Best Answer

While you still can't rotate multiple pictures at once, at least now there is a keyboard shortcut to rotate a picture: Shift-R.

So click a picture you want to rotate, hit Shift-R (once, or 3 times, depending on the rotation you need), then either use the arrows to go to the next picture, or back to go back to the list.