Google-photos – Search public images in Google Photos


On Picasa Web Album, I can search all public photos via the explore features, for instance a search by tag:

(Note, Google is hiding such features more and more in an attempt to force people to use other services. If at some point in the URL gets redirected elsewhere, see how it looks currently.)

How do I do the same on Google Photos? only finds my own photos with the word.

Google Plus doesn't provide a side access either: only finds (very few) posts with photos, while I only want the photos themselves and all of them.

There are other questions about searching posts and searching own photos. I also asked elswewhere how to mark and search Creative Commons images.

Best Answer

Short answer

At this time Google Photos doesn't include a feature for searching public photos and searching only photos in Google+ isn't not available at this time.


Google Photos, Google Plus Photos and Picasa Web Albums are three different services. They could have some similar features but not all are the same. I.E. Albums created in Google+ or Picasa Web Albums could be find in Google Photos, but Google Photos search doesn't include a searching of photos shared by other publicly.

Google announcements

AFAIK Google didn't announce yet any plan regarding the retirement of Picasa Web Albums. Actually, they removed the automatically redirection from to but now, the last automatically redirects to

It's worth to say that Google+ Photos will be shut down, starting on August 1st, 2015.



AFAIK Picasa Web Albums search engine and Google Images don't use the same index nor algorithms.
