Google Search – How to Create Shortcuts for Language and Area Changes


When I try to search in another language, I click Advanced Search → Languages → specific language. It is a little tiresome if I repeat this for different langauges, and different key words. I wonder if I can make it simplified; for example, move the language choice to the search main page without clicking Advanced Search, or even make a button for each of those often-used languages on the main page?

Similar question for geographical region search.

Does keyword site:*.ru will make Google search inside Russian websites? What difference is it from searching in either Russian language or Russia country?

Best Answer

You can modify the url parameter hl in this way:

  • hl=en (for English)
  • hl=ru (for Russian)
  • hl=de (for German)

and so on.

Another possibility is to use yubnub search engine. You can define a new custom command to get search result in desired language.

Suppose that you want to get Google Search result in Russian, you can define a command called goru with url defined as You can define other command like goit (Italian), gode (German) and so on by substituting the hl= part with correspondent language abbreviation.

enter image description here