Google Search – How to Disable Bold Fonts in Results


Today Google started to display search results in a bold font. How can I bring back the normal way in which search results were displayed?

a screenshot showing the bold

Best Answer

The titles of the search results aren't bold; instead, the font size is now 18px rather than 16px like it was previously.

Also, this change doesn't affect only Google Chrome. I use Firefox and I see the change too.

Lastly, the change seems to come and go. I see it one day but not the next. As Sunil Manheri commented above, Google seems to be experimenting with changes to their search engine results pages (SERPs).

I hate the new font size and much prefer 16px. I added the following CSS rule to my user stylesheet (userContent.css in my Firefox profile) to force Google's SERP titles to be 16px:

body#gsr h3.r {
  font-size: 16px !important;

Google recently removed support for user stylesheets from Chrome (in an effort to dumb down their browser even more than it already is). Fortunately for Chrome users (definitely not me), user styles can be added to Chrome using the Stylish extension.