Google Search Privacy – Do URLs Contain Sensitive Details?


I noticed that if I'm logged into Google Account (my Gmail and everything) and do a search in the address bar, the URL of the resultant page is really long.

Now, I was wondering: is there any sensitive data (I don't mean releasing the ability to login into my account, I would in fact consider any data about me to be sensitive) within the URL?

Or to rephrase the sentence, can I simply copy the URL (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1138&bih=562&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw&ei=ix4ET_uwMYLYrQf3venKDw) and send it to a friend / paste it in a public forum?

Or do I have to manually write a URL as such:

Best Answer

Now I was wondering are there any sensitive data (I do not mean releasing the ability to login into my account, I would in fact consider any data about me to be sensitive) within the URL?

There is no sensitive data - apart from referrer, parameters indicating any search suggestions, corrections, safesearch restrictions and so on.