Google-search – Google (Timer / Stopwatch) | Controls | parameters to start timer upon search


Let's just say you're getting tired and you decided to boil water at midnight. You decided to take a short nap…but little did you know that nap would've cost you your life. A simple question to ask yourself is "should I have set a timer?"

Sure, you could've, but how long does it take for one person to set a timer on their phone? For all I know is, it isn't efficient enough and in-fact a struggle to set timers on phones.

So what else am I always on besides my phone? Well, that's my PC of course.
Then I went to look for timers and found out about Google's very own search-term-specific one.

Google has a timer-function. It can be used by simply searching (w/ Google):

  • the default is 5-mins


Now, the only thing missing is a way to set a specific time with the option to begin that timer immediately.

screen shot


How do I use Google's Timer function to set a specific time with the option to begin timer immediately?


  • There should be a way to set a specific time and option to begin timer via parameters, like so:
    • command + time-in-no.'s + .

timer 30 min

timer 55 sec.

timer 1 hour and 22 min


  • Instead of using Google's timer you can use duckduckgo with the same parameters and it works entirely within your favor.
    • hours work
    • combination of time-formats work doesn't work
    • abbreviations work
    • alarm sounds less frightning
  • for the most part, it's the clear winner


  • setting a timer w/ a keyboard is much more quicker, effecient, & reliable.
    • my hands on a keyboard obliterates me with my mouth next to a mic or my fingers on a phone.
    • I'm constantly on a browser.
  • parameters should also work with all sorts of abbreviations
    • minutes vs. min / mins
    • seconds vs. sec / secs
  • . parameter means begin timer
  • search stopwatch for Google's other timer-function (but, no parameters for this one and setting a time will default you to timer).

Best Answer

If I understand your question right, you could simply type in x minute/second timer. It will then begin itself.