Google Search – Google’s I’m Feeling Lucky URL


I'm trying to make an URL that redirects me to the first result using the "I'm feeling lucky" feature, for this I add &btnI=I to the search url but sometimes it doesn't work, and shows me the results page instead, I tried searching for a solution and some were saying that by adding &sourceid=navclient to the URL it should work but it doesn't, for example:

this works:

but this doesn't:

I think it depends of how unusual the query is, but I need to make it work with romanized Japanese so, how can I make it work for that situation?

Best Answer

After a while I found a solution; it’s possible to use:

It will always send you to the first result, but sometimes it will half render before redirecting you.

Adding to this, my question was for using it in a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script and after studying how Google always redirected you if you used the "I'm feeling lucky" button on I found It worked because the referer was ""; then you could use GM_xmlhttpRequest and finalUrl like this:

    method: 'HEAD',
    url: '',
    headers: {
        referer: ''
    onload: function(response) {