Google-search – Googling for a string not in another


Is there a way to search Google for a Web page that has a specific word even not as part of a specific phrase?

For example: Let's say I want to search for license, and my search turns up many pages that have driver license. I'm not interested in pages that discuss only driver licenses: I want pages that discuss licenses generally (though they might discuss driver licenses also, so I don't want to exclude pages that have driver license). What I want, then, is pages that have license even not in the phrase driver license (though perhaps in it also). Is there a way to search Google for such Web pages?

I am open to other search engines that satisfy this need.

Best Answer

I would go through

Put the words you want in all these words: and the words you don't want in none of these words:

Not sure if I'm completely answering you question, but there are a lot more options on the advanced search page for Google.