Google-search – Has the option of search in discussions been removed from Google Search


Has the option of search in discussions been removed from Google Search?

Where can I find it then?

Best Answer

Sadly Google dropped the option to filter searches to "discussions" some time in late January (along with some others such as Blogs). Instead, according to a Google spokesperson:

We’re always making changes to Search to help you find the most useful things more easily. Now when you search, the type of results you can select at the top of the page will vary depending on what makes sense for your search.

You can still search discussion by going here directly: or by adding &tbm=dsc to the end of a Google search url.

There is a long thread on the Google Product list on this topic, there are various other solutions posted such as user-scripts and a Chrome extension.

Updated: As of mid-July 2014 the discussion search filter has been removed entirely, so the above no longer works. People have come up with some complicated alternatives, but none as good as the original function.