Google-search – How to customize URL search conditions on Google


I want to be able to tell Google

if [some string] is in the URL, don't include as a search result

For example:

If I want to do a search for "popcorn", the first thing that comes up as a result is How can I tell it

if 'popcorn' is in the URL, exclude that result

I checked the advanced search, couldn't find that option. Anyone know a search engine that allows this?

Best Answer

It doesn't seem to be possible with Google. In the paragraph about the site operator, GoogleGuide says,

You can use many of the search operators in conjunction with the basic search operators +, –, OR, and " ".

but it doesn't seem to work for the inurl operator.

The following works for one specific site:


You could string together all the sites you don't want (which is how I use it), but that's hardly optimal and only works on the domain name, not the entire URL:


As partial domain matching seems to be limited even for Google's Custom Search, I suspect that this might be a limitation of the way they keep or access their index. So above may be the only way, unless someone else knows more.