Google Search – How to Download Search History


Google Takeout used to give an option of exporting your all Google search history in .json file, but today when I created an archive of my data, it said at bottom:

Note: Your past searches aren't included when you create an archive. Find out how to download your past searches.

On following this support page link, it says:

  1. Visit your Web & App Activity page.
  2. In the top right corner of the page, touch Menu More> Download searches.
  3. Choose Create Archive.
  4. When the download is complete, you’ll get an email confirmation with a link to the data.

When I go to link, it gets forwarded to, & there in the three dot hamburger menu on the right-top, there is no Download option in it?

In 2012 used to have a way by using flash file & some codes, but that also does not work now.

Is there a way to download your Google History as of today?

Best Answer

From the MyActivity page, I chose "Other Google activity" from the menu.

At the bottom of that page is a section:

Download your past searches

Create an archive of all your past searches with Google Takeout

When you click "Get Started", you're informed:

Download a copy of your data

Please read this carefully, it's not the usual yada yada.
Create an archive of your past searches. This archive will only be accessible to you. We will email you when the archive is ready to download from Google Drive. Learn more

Important information about your Google data archives

  • Do not download your archive on public computers and ensure your archive is always under your control; your archive contains sensitive data.
  • Protect your account and sensitive data with 2-Step Verification; helping keep bad guys out, even if they have your password.
  • If you have decided to take your data elsewhere, please research the data export policies of your destination. Otherwise, if you ever want to leave the service, you may have to leave your data behind.

With a "Create Archive" button. Once you click that, you're given a message that you'll be notified when your archive is ready. Simply wait. (It took less than an hour for me to get my notification.)

The archive is a zip file with an index.html file and a set of JSON files, one for each quarter.

If any of that isn't available to you, it just hasn't been rolled out to your location yet.