Google Search – How to Enable Dictionary Search


Ho do I enable Google dictionary search in Google web results?

If I do a google web search (e.g. for the word 'pertain') in my private gmail account, I don't get any Google Dictionary definitions. If I do the same search when logged in with my work gmail account (through google apps), I do get dictionary definitions. Why is that so?
I didn't find any settings to enable/disable this.

See screenshots below.

Google result with private Gmail account (does NOT show dictionary definitions):

google result with private gmail account

Google result with work Gmail account (does show dictionary definitions):
google result with work gmail account

Best Answer

This seems to be an issue with your language settings. Notice how the Google interface is in Flemish (Afbeeldingen, Nieuws, ...) using your private account, but in English (Images, News, ...) using the work account. I can reproduce this behaviour.

You can set your account language to English, if you'd like. Using your private account:

  1. Go to
  2. In the bottom of the screen, click Settings → Search settings
  3. Click the Languages tab, select English and Save.

Googling for English terms (like pertain) should now produce dictionary/definition results.