Google-search – How to get in the language of the computer by default


Every time I go to pass through a Google page for something (e.g. to authenticate through my Gmail account), if I'm not logged in the page appears in the language of the country where I am (Dutch, in Belgium, which I don't speak), rather than the language of my browser or the language of my computer (English).

How could I change that and have Google page appear in English for me by default?

Best Answer

Make sure your browser sends en as the preferred language (visit to check the Accept-Language header).

Note that it's not enough to list only English – Google discards that, likely under the assumption that it's a meaningless default value (e.g. fresh browser install).

Instead, the browser needs to list both English with high priority and some other language with low priority. If at least two languages are listed, then Google will actually honor the request and will use the highest-priority language.

Accept-Language: en-US, en, ru;q=0.9