Google-search – How to Google search “filetype:x” union “filetype:y”


I'm trying to do a search for all torrent files and pdf files related to "secrets of the javascript ninja".

I can do them individually as shown:

"secrets of the javascript ninja" filetype:pdf (~6560 results)

"secrets of the javascript ninja" filetype:torrent (~146 results)

But how do we concatenate the results? In essense, I would like Google to display the union of the above two searches.

I've tried "secrets of the javascript ninja" filetype:(torrent or pdf) but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there a way to do union searches on Google?

Best Answer

From the little casting about I've done, it looks like you need to use OR between the filetype: operator if you want multiple filetypes.

"secrets of the javascript ninja" filetype:pdf OR filetype:torrent

My quick tests seem to jive. It's a little hard to verify, because there are so many more PDF results than Torrent results (for this particular case, at least).