Google-search – How to make Google to display results in IPA


Google by default shows the results for word definitions (define:) transcribed in American English phonetic notation.
I tried to use /ncr ( for "no country redirect" and currently avoiding it by using but is there a way to change it from Settings or by adding additional parameters (such as ?hl=en or en-UK or something else) to the query

IPA is International Phonetic Alphabet

What I want to see is this:

enter image description here

Rather than that:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no, there's no setting in search settings to force word definitions to use IPA notation. Us poor Americans using are stuck with whatever that phonetic spelling is that they use.

It seems that your solution to use is your best option. Another is to use Wiktionary, which includes both phonetic options. (There are any number of tutorials out there about how to add a custom search engine to your browser, so that's probably not as off-putting as it might otherwise be.)