Google-search – How to stop Google’s “people also search for”


Whenever you do a search on Google, it will give the results which you then click on, obviously. But sometimes you hit back to go back to the results.
The problem is, Google waits a second to make some other searches pop up, and then I click on something I didn't want to click on.

Annoying "people also search for"

And even searching for the answer just provides answers about the drop down suggestions. I'm looking for how to prevent the "people also search for" box from popping up that happens when I come back from a link I've already clicked.

Best Answer

While there is no official statement on the matter, from what I've been able to gather by trial and error, this frustrating feature seems to exist to try and push users into searches which yield more sponsored results, thus it'll probably never get a toggle.

Fortunately the frustration can be reduced with an amazing extension called uBlock Origin. In addition to enabling common blocklists and anti-annoyance lists, I also have these following entries for google under "My Filters" in uBlock options. .mw div[jsl^="$t"][jsl$="0;"][class^="r-"][class^="r-inw"]

Substitute with .au, .com, .<whatever> and your search results stay still when navigating in and out of them.

Note that Google likes to change class names and ids, which means these filters may need to be updated in the future.