Google-search – Let Google know about migration of the Blogger page


I have a Blogger page and I plant to make its contents (or simply migrate it) available at another website as some other page. I have heard about 301 re-directs that help Google identify site changes, but on Blogger there's no such feature.

What should I do to have all the credits linked with the old Blogger page be simply reflected to my new page?

Best Answer

There is (deliberately) no feature for 301 re-directs in Blogger.

I assume that you plan to delete the contents from Blogger when you have moved them to the other site (to avoid duplicate content problems.)

You could set up a custom 404 error page which tells human visitors which website to find the contents (under Settings > Search Preferences > Custom Page not found (edit link) ). Google will also follow this link to re-index the content at the new location.

And if you have set up the blog in Webmaster Tools, I believe there is a feature there where you can tell Google about your site moving. (Sorry, don't know the details of it.) But I don't think you can do that for each individual post.