Google-search – Problem with Google OR operator in Google News


Have a problem with Google News Search, maybe I'm doing something wrong way.

When I'm trying to find news either on

Russia LNG export

or on


on Google News Search with the setting "past 24 hours" ON, I get proper results.
But when I try to combine them using OR:

Uralkali OR Russia LNG export 
Russia LNG export OR Uralkali

I get only the news on Russia's recent changes to LNG export rules in both cases. I'm curious what is the reason. I thought the queries should bring up all available news where either this OR that is mentioned.

To clarify: in my example I'm trying to find news articles that either have the words "russia, lng, export" in any combination OR have the word Uralkali.

Looking for (Russia LNG export) OR Uralkali doesn't seem to help.

Best Answer

The OR functionality states that it is to be used for the following:

The Boolean operator OR specifies alternatives to use as synonyms in search.


So in this case wouldn't you want to search:

LNG export Russia OR Uralkali

That is what I think you want? Possibly even putting Uralkali in quotation marks.