Google-search – Search engine for everything illegal, weird, immoral, anti-social and/or anti-government


I have been a Google user since time immemorial. However, recently, Google seems to filtering results based on its version of acceptable behaviour.

For example, I want to be able to search for these things and get accurate results.

how to cook meth full video

piratebay download photoshop

Is there a way to force Google to disable its social-engineering policy? Or any alternate search engine that provides such results?

Appreciate any responses.

Best Answer

It's probably not Google giving you bad results, nor any real social-engineering policy on their end. It's simply that we are not in the 90's anymore and people are smarter and more careful.

Companies that allow users to post their own content typically depend on ad revenue and will naturally seek to quell controversy that threatens that, because they need to be open to as many people as possible - alienating large swaths of potential customers with certain types of controversy won't result in people investing in the platform.

And those that do allow such content take action to hide it from Google.

Large software companies like Adobe also are smarter than they were in the 90's and probably actively search Google for cracks and other tools that sidestep licensing and issue DMCAs to get that content taken down. So serious crackers and pirates are also smarter and don't post such content in places where Google can find it.

So an "evil" search engine publicly accessible and ad-supported like Google couldn't really exist on today's public Internet - content would be gone as soon as it appeared there.