Google-search – What happened to Google Calculator? It no longer seems to work


What happened to Google Calculator? It seems to have stopped working a few days ago.


2 * 3 

no longer returns 2 * 3 = 6.

Platform: Firefox 13.0.1 for Windows with NoScript 2.4.8.

Best Answer


Observed on 2013-06-13: the calculator no longer requires JavaScript and more importantly copy-pasting the result now works again! (This works both with and without JavaScript from blocked.)

Google Calculator now requires JavaScript. In particular, JavaScript must be allowed from

In the case of Firefox and NoScript, may be blocked. To use Google Calculator, set NoScript to allow JavaScript from (permanently or temporarily). Unfortunately, copy-pasting the result from this window does not work. Thanks, Google, for breaking the ability to use the clipboard for getting the result.

In the case of Opera, allow JavaScript in site preferences.