Google-search – Why did Google replace the “+” operator


Google no longer accepts the + operator. If I attempt to use the + operator, I get the following message:

The + operator has been replaced.

To search for an exact word or phrase, use double quotation marks: <query>

Why has Google replaced the + operator, now requiring double quotes to search for an exact word or phrase instead?

Related, but not a duplicate: Forced words in Google search query are being ignored, plus no longer working as explicit inclusion

Edit: Google now silently ignores the +, producing results that are no different than without the +. A warning is no longer issued.

Best Answer

Perhaps this is because when linking to Google+ members the + is a prefix to the member name.

See, e.g, Google Kills Its Other Plus, and How to Bring It Back on Wired:

Google wouldn’t disclose exactly why they phased it out, though it seems obvious that they’re paving the way for Google+ profile searches. When Google+ launched, instead of adopting Twitter’s @reply syntax, they coined their own format for mentioning people — adding a plus to the beginning of a name — triggering the future conflict with the + operator.