Google Search – Why Ctrl+Click Doesn’t Work in Google’s Search Results and How to Give Feedback


When I get search results from Google, the feature of Chrome to open the link in a new window when I use Ctrl + click doesn't work. (I believe I've seen this occasionally in some versions of Opera as well.)

Is there a setting in my browser I can change to get Ctrl + click working?

I would like to give feedback to Google about this problem. Alas, I was unable to discover any way to do so when browsing through their website. How would I go about doing this?

EDIT: More information.

Ctrl+click usually works, but it's failing in certain "fancy" things, like whatever Google does with its search results, or vBulletin dropdown menus.

The OS is a possible lead: the computer where I have a problem with Google is running Vista, but another computer running Windows 7, Ctrlclick works with Google (but still not with vBulletin dropdown menus).

Best Answer

It turned out that AVG had hijacked my Chrome search engine (odd, because I'm sure I installed chrome long after AVG). The inconsistency I saw is presumably that I use a different anti-virus on my other computers.