Google Sheets – Create a Scatter Plot with Labels and Axis Values

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-charts

I'm trying to create a scatter-plot with:

  • Labels in column A
  • X-axis values in column B
  • Y-axis values in column C

Both column B and C have non-integer values.

I've tried fiddling with all the advanced options, but I'm not having much luck.

Best Answer

A point plot in which individual points are labeled is called a bubble plot:

bubble plot

The structure of input data is exactly what you stated: labels in the first column, x coordinates in the second, y coordinates in the third

Mercury  1.2     5.3
Venus    2.3     6.7
Earth    3.4     3
Mars     2.1     1.6

Optionally, one can have a 4th column for categories (represented by colors) and 5th for bubble sizes. Reference: chart types.