Google Sheets – How to Add Number of Days and Time to a Datetime Field

google sheets

I have the following sheet:

  | A               | B          | C
1 | 23/2/2020 12:00 | 5          | 2:00
2 | 12/4/2020 13:00 | 2          | 2:0

And I want to calculate how many days after and how many hours after the date will be. So as an example the 23/2/2020 12:00will be 28/02/2020 14:00.

Just by doing =A1+C1 I get 23/2/2020 12:00 (I add the hours) but how I will increase the datetime by days?

Best Answer

=A1+B1+C1 In your example. If the column values are formatted as the picture below shows.
