Google-sheets – Added rows in Google Sheets missing formula

google sheets

I have made a simple formula, based on cells in the same row, to indicate to the user that they have entered enough information—and it works as needed.


However, when I click the "add more rows" button at the bottom of the sheet, the formula is not present in the new cell—but any drop down menu or validation I've used in the cells not containing the formula are present in the respective added cells of the new row. Any ideas why just the formula is missing?

Best Answer

This is with the assumption my data starts at row 2 (under my headers)

=arrayformula(if(istext(B2:B)*n(C2:C)*n(E2:E)*istext(F2:F),"Ok",if(len(B2:B)+len(C2:C)+len(D2:D)+len(E2:E)+len(F2:F),"MORE INFO",)))

Credit: GimelG from Google Docs Help Forum.