Google-sheets – Analyse multiple columns per row

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformulagoogle-sheets-query

I need to combine the data of three different columns. Thus, I have this:

| ID | ID Data | Markdown 1 | Markdown 2 | Markdown 3 |
| 1  |   G     |     X2     |    X3      |    X4      | 
| 2  |   B     |     X6     |    X7      |    X8      | 
| 5  |   Z     |     X3     |    X4      |    X5      | 
| etc ... 100 rows

In the end, I want one column saying "Markdowns", thus that combines the different columns. However, I want to keep the row data, meaning I need to see for which ID's which markdowns were put:

| ID | ID Data | Markdowns | 
| 1  | G       |    X2     | 
| 1  | G       |    X3     | 
| 1  | G       |    X4     | 
| 2  | B       |    X6     |   
| 2  | B       |    X7     | 
| 2  | B       |    X8     | 
| 5  | Z       |    X3     | 
| 5  | Z       |    X4     | 
| 5  | Z       |    X5     | 
| etc ... 

I need this to create pivot's and graphs to show how many and which markdowns for which ID were put. Now I need to create three different pivots and combine the data manually.

I already checked this formula but with that one, it seems I have to add the formula for each row manually.

Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

 "♠"&A1:A&"♦"&B1:B&"♦"&C1:C&"♠"&A1:A&"♦"&B1:B&"♦"&D1:D&"♠"&A1:A&"♦"&B1:B&"♦"&E1:E, )
 ,,999^99), "♠")), "♦")))