Google-sheets – Apply conditional formatting based on the formula that a cell contains

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I am having trouble figuring out how to get conditional formatting to work in my Google spreadsheet. I use the second sheet to import prices of projectors, but a few don't update.

I want the row of prices to turn green when there is the LEFT function in the cell such as =LEFT('Import Page'!B4,7), but when I try to get the conditional formatting to work using the "cell contains" "left" formatting it does not work.

Here is the image
screen shot - conditional formatting

Best Answer

What you are attempting to do is impossible. Google Sheets functions reference only the computed value, not the underlying function text. Therefore, if your conditional formatting rule says that it should be green if it includes the text "left", it will read your cell, see that it contains only "$529.91," and conclude that the rule should not apply.